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We came away from our first meeting with askmyGP feeling very excited. It’s always good to know that you’re working with an innovative company that really believes in the product it is selling. It makes creating a brand that much easier.

askmyGP is a remarkable app that allows you to contact you GP surgery or medical centre via your smartphone. Not only that, but it allows the surgery to call you back, and arrange appointments for the same day. We thought it was a fantastic piece of software, and were delighted to be asked to rebrand the company.

“Terrific service all round and creative approach which has made our brand.”
Harry Longman, askmyGP


With its potential for nationwide use, we needed to put together a branding package that appealed to all. When your target market is so diverse as all potential NHS patients in the country, simplicity is key. The design has to be straightforward and the message easily understandable to all.

We settled on a hand holding a smartphone, with the name of the app displayed next to it. The logo was drawn up in orange and blue, both colours that produce a calming effect in the viewer. Simple, serene, and sure to strike a chord with the public, we were set to go.


We followed up the logo with a new website, again – prominently displaying oranges and blues. We needed to explain the app and how it works, but without scaring potential users off.

Though the app itself is simple to use, the tech behind it is extremely complicated. We split the information into bite-sized chunks spread over several pages.

This meant customers only had to take in as much as they wanted to, and were no overwhelmed. Calls to action on every page gave them the chance to sign up to the app at and stage.


With a new product, it’s important to show its impact in real life. We produced a number of Success Story videos covering GP surgeries across the country.

This allowed real staff to explain how much their day-to-day routine has improved thanks to the application.

These videos didn’t just show the efficacy of the app, but the heart and warmth of NHS staff as a weight is lifted from them.


We decided that a short, simple video detailing how to operate was a better choice than swathes of written instructions. Having received a detailed description of the process from the askmyGP team, we proceeded to break it down into a 90-second script.

We know from experience that anything longer than that runs the very real risk of boring its intended audience. The decision was crucial in this instance, as the video was rolled out to several GP practices across the country. Being played in the waiting room as patients sat around… well… waiting, it has proven to be a powerful and effective promotional tool.


As the askmyGP business model continues to grow, our relationship with them gets stronger than ever. At the moment, we are redeveloping a number of their existing website pages. This is to promote their exciting new free demo trials across the site. In addition, we are also created new video content for them. This will include success stories from customers who have made good use of the application itself.

Take a look at the askmyGP website and see how our use of colour and content has given the whole site a uniform, branded look.

For more information, or to book a consultation, give Be Bold Studios a call today on 0747 688 7743

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