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The Pros of Using Google Ads
Google Ads offers many benefits to businesses of any size and in every sector.
These are some of the most relevant ones:
Cost Effective
As online advertising goes, Google Ads is one of the more affordable models, although the cost per click can vary depending on both industry sector and geographical factors. Still, compared to other pay-per-click schemes, Google Ads offers you more for your money.
Targeted Keywords
The right keywords entered into a Google Ads campaign increases the number of visitors to your site and improves the chance of converting them to sales. By combining long-form keywords and your business location, you ensure that your adverts are shown to customers most likely to need your services.
Effective Documentation
As the biggest name in the industry, Google Ads deals with companies large and small, and has swathes of documentation to help you navigate through the process. This covers everything you need to set up and run a campaign, from initial keyword selection, through budgeting, auditing results, and more.
Useful Tools
In addition to their documentation, Google Ads offers an impressive range of tools for keeping on top of your campaign. From automated keyword planners, to detailed statistical breakdowns for measuring the effectiveness of your campaign, whatever you need, Google Ads has a tool for it.
The Cons of Using Google Ads
Of course, Google Ads doesn’t come without its own disadvantages as well, and it would be inappropriate for us to suggest otherwise. Here are some things you might want to consider before committing to a Google Ads campaign:
Pay-Per-Click Platform

Like most forms of online advertising, Google Ads is Pay-Per-Click (often abbreviated to PPC). This means your Google Ads account is debited every time someone clicks on your advertised link, regardless of whether they end up buying anything from you. This also means that, once your budget is used up, that particular campaign stops running.

Time Consuming

We’ve mentioned Google Ads’ extensive documentation and monitoring tools already, but it’s worth noting that it takes time to absorb all that information. If you run a small enterprise, it can be hard to find the time to operate an effective Google Ads campaign.

Requires a First-Rate Landing Page

Google is invested in the end-to-end user experience of its own search engine customers. They will always promote well-designed websites with quality content over those that have been thrown together with a smattering of keywords, even with a paid advertising campaign.

Some clients that have used Google Ads

One of the leading metal finishing companies in the UK – established for over 70 years.

One of UK’s largest security companies specialising in range of services for the public and private sectors.

The leading self storage business centre in Crewe, offering self storage space and other personal or business space requirements.

Get in touch

Fortunately, many of the cons of Google Ads can be mitigated by hiring experienced PPC professionals to handle it for you. At Be Bold Studios, we bring decades of combined expertise to every campaign, helping you choose the right keywords and ensuring your landing page is of the highest quality.

For help in running a successful Google Ads campaign, get in touch with Be Bold Studios today. Call us on 0747 688 7743 to arrange a free consultation with one of our experts.