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Understanding E-E-A-T
Creating Quality, People-First Content

With a huge number of websites and articles competing for attention, it is vital that search engines are able to discern between credible, well-crafted information and low-quality, spammy content.
What is E-E-A-T?
Google’s E-E-A-T framework, which encompasses Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, serves as a measure for evaluating web content quality and is part of Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines. Search Quality Raters are real people who check the quality of search results.

E-E-A-T ensures that the information reaching users is not just relevant and informative, but also sourced from trustworthy and authoritative channels. In this guide, we explore the E-E-A-T framework, offering detailed insights, practical examples and advice to effectively incorporate these principles into your digital content strategy.


The addition of “Experience” into the existing E-A-T framework (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) highlights the significance of personal narratives and the distinct perspectives they contribute to content.
Google acknowledges that direct experience can elevate the credibility and worth of information, particularly in areas where personal anecdotes or hands-on knowledge play a crucial role. For instance, a blog post discussing hiking trails written by an individual who has personally navigated those routes provides unique insights unattainable by those without first-hand experience. Here are ways of demonstrating experience in your content:

– Share Personal Stories or Case Studies: Personal experiences add depth to your content, making it more relatable and engaging for readers. Incorporate stories that highlight lessons learned, challenges overcome, or unique methodologies you’ve developed.

– Include Original Research or Data: Conducting and presenting your own research or surveys can significantly boost your content’s value. Original data offers fresh insights and can establish your content as a primary source of information.

– Provide Unique Insights Based on Direct Experience: Leverage your unique perspective to discuss trends, solve common problems, or offer advice. This demonstrates your active involvement and commitment to your field.

David talking to McDonell Marketing

Expertise represents the comprehensive knowledge and skill an author or website exhibits within their specific domain. Google places high value on content produced by individuals or organisations with deep expertise in a given subject, ensuring that the information provided to users is accurate, thorough, and enriched with insights.
In areas that demand specialised technical or medical knowledge, Google particularly emphasises the need for formal qualifications and relevant professional experiences. On the other hand, for topics that are not as technically demanding, a demonstrated understanding and clear grasp of the subject matter are sufficient. To demonstrate expertise in your content:

– Highlight the Author’s Qualifications: Clearly list the author’s relevant academic degrees, professional certifications, or years of experience in the field. This establishes credibility and assures readers of the content’s accuracy.

– Cite Reputable Sources and Evidence: Support your claims with data and citations from trusted sources. This not only reinforces your arguments but also shows that you value accuracy and thorough research.

– Showcase Awards or Recognitions: Mention any industry awards, recognitions, or publications you or your organization have received. This can serve as a testament to your knowledge and skills.

James taking a photo on Canon camera

Authoritativeness is the measure of an author or website’s credibility and influence within their particular area of expertise or industry. It goes beyond simply having knowledge; it involves earning recognition from peers, industry leaders, and the audience as a reputable source of information.
Achieving such status is typically indicated by mentions in respected publications, support from authoritative personalities, and quality backlinks from reputable sites. To improve your authoritativeness:

– Gain Recognition from Peers: Being cited or recommended by other experts in your field can significantly enhance your authority. Collaborate with peers, contribute to industry publications, or participate in expert panels.

– Receive Positive Reviews and Testimonials: Showcase customer reviews, client testimonials, or peer endorsements on your site. Positive feedback from reputable sources boosts your credibility and authority.

– Participate in Industry Events: Speaking at conferences, hosting webinars, or attending significant industry events can position you as a thought leader. Share these experiences through your content or social media to enhance your authority.

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Trustworthiness is a fundamental aspect of the E-E-A-T principle. Google’s goal is to direct users to content from sources that are consistently honest, transparent, and precise. Elements that contribute to a site’s trustworthiness encompass secure connections (HTTPS), straightforward and equitable privacy policies, clear authorship, and a strict avoidance of misleading practices. Improving trustworthiness involves:

– Ensure Website Security: Implement SSL certificates to secure your website, indicating to users that their data is protected. This is crucial for e-commerce sites or any platform collecting user information.

– Include Author Biographies: An author biography enhances content trustworthiness by linking the creator’s credentials and experiences to the reliability of the information presented.

– Be Transparent About Site’s Ownership: Clearly state who owns the website and provide contact information. Disclose any commercial relationships or sponsorships to build trust with your audience.

– Correct Inaccuracies: Regularly review and update your content to correct any inaccuracies or outdated content. This shows a commitment to providing reliable and current information.

Man working on laptop
Applying E-E-A-T in Your Content Strategy

For a successful integration of the E-E-A-T principle into your content strategy, begin by evaluating your existing content to pinpoint areas needing enhancement. Concentrate on crafting content of superior quality that mirrors your distinct experiences and knowledge, cements your position as an authoritative source, and fosters trust with your readers. Consistently refresh your content to ensure its accuracy and pertinence, and actively engage with your audience to cultivate a community centred around your brand or website.

It’s crucial to understand that E-E-A-T represents an ongoing commitment to elevating the quality and trustworthiness of your content, rather than a mere one-off task. Committing to these principles can boost your website’s visibility in Google’s search rankings, draw in a more dedicated readership, and position your site as a reliable information hub within your industry.

Get in touch

If you need a helping hand with your content marketing strategy, our experienced team can offer bespoke services.

For more information and a free consultation regarding your e-commerce needs, call Be Bold Studios today on 0747 688 7743